Dtc b1242 wireless tuner
KEYLESS ACCESS WITH PUSH BUTTON START SYSTEM (DIAGNOSTICS) > Diagnostic Procedure with Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)DTC B1242 WIRELESS TUNERDTC detecting condition:When short circuit occurs in harness between keyless access CM and receiver.Trouble symptom:• The keyless access with push butt ...
Check list for interview Check
ENTERTAINMENT > Check List for InterviewCHECK• Inspect the following items regarding the vehicle’s state.• Print out this page for interviewing customers.1. MODEL WITH 6.2 INCH DISPLAYCheck List for InterviewDate of Vehicle Bring-in Year Month Da ...
Dtc b2276 acc relay off signal
KEYLESS ACCESS WITH PUSH BUTTON START SYSTEM (DIAGNOSTICS) > Diagnostic Procedure with Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)DTC B2276 ACC RELAY OFF SIGNALDTC detecting condition:When input error occurs in accessory relay cut input signal of keyless access CM.Trouble symptom:• The accessory power su ...