Change the oil and oil filter according to the maintenance schedule in the "Warranty and Maintenance Booklet".
The engine oil and oil filter must be changed more frequently than listed in the maintenance schedule when driving on dusty roads, when short trips are frequently made, or when driving in extremely cold weather.
Fully trained mechanics are on standby at a SUBARU dealer to utilize the special tools, spare parts and recommended oil for this work, and also, used oils are properly disposed of.
Dtc c0057 vdc interrupted due to egi reason
VEHICLE DYNAMICS CONTROL (VDC) (DIAGNOSTICS) > Diagnostic Procedure with Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)DTC C0057 VDC INTERRUPTED DUE TO EGI REASONDTC DETECTING CONDITION:Cooperation control prohibition of ECMTROUBLE SYMPTOM:• VDC does not operate.• EyeSight does not operate.NOTE:• ...
MT models
1. Apply the parking brake.
2. Turn off unnecessary lights and accessories.
3. Depress the clutch pedal to the floor
and shift the shift lever into neutral. Hold
the clutch pedal to the floor while starting
the engine.
The starter motor will only operate when
the clutch pedal is depress ...
Electrical specification
INSTRUMENTATION/DRIVER INFO > Multi-function Display (MFD) SystemELECTRICAL SPECIFICATION1. MULTI FUNCTION DISPLAY• Standard typeTerminal No.ItemMeasuring conditionStandard1 (+B) ←> Chassis groundVoltageAlways10 — 14 V2 (GND) ←> Chassis groundResistanceAlwaysLess than 1 ?3 ...