COOLING(H4DO) > Radiator Sub Fan and Fan Motor
1. Disconnect the ground cable from battery. NOTE">
2. Remove the air intake duct. Air Intake Duct > REMOVAL">
3. Disconnect the connector from the sub fan motor assembly.
4. Remove the bolts which hold the radiator sub fan shroud onto the radiator.
5. Remove the radiator sub fan and fan motor from vehicle.
LIGHTING SYSTEM > Combination Switch (Light)INSPECTIONMeasure the resistance between connector terminals. If it is not within the standard value, replace the switch assembly - combination turn dimmer.Preparation tool:Circuit tester1. LIGHTING SWITCHTerminal No.Inspection conditionsStandard18 — ...
MECHANICAL(H4DO) > General DescriptionCAUTION• Prior to starting work, pay special attention to the following:1. Always wear work clothes, a work cap, and protective shoes. Additionally, wear a helmet, protective goggles, etc. if necessary.2. Protect the vehicle using a seat cover, fender c ...
SECURITY AND LOCKS > Keyless Access Outdoor AntennaREMOVAL1. FRONT ANTENNACAUTION:Do not remove the antenna from the front door outer handle.If replacement is needed, replace the front outer handle assembly as a set.Remove the handle - door outer. Front Outer Handle > REMOVAL">2. REAR ...