Synthetic oil
You should use synthetic engine oil that
meets the same requirements given for
conventional engine oil. When using
synthetic oil, you must use oil of the same
classification, viscosity and grade shown
in this Owner's Manual. Refer to "Engine
oil" F12-4. Also, you must follow the oil
and filte ...
Vehicle Dynamics Control warning
The Vehicle Dynamics Control system
provides its ABS control
through the electrical circuit of the
ABS. Accordingly, if the ABS is
inoperative, the Vehicle Dynamics
Control system becomes unable to
provide ABS control. As a result, the
Vehicle Dynamics Control system
also becomes ...
Dtc c1541 clutch switch off malfunction
VEHICLE DYNAMICS CONTROL (VDC) (DIAGNOSTICS) > Diagnostic Procedure with Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)DTC C1541 CLUTCH SWITCH OFF MALFUNCTIONNOTE:For the diagnostic procedure, refer to “DTC C1542 CLUTCH SWITCH ON MALFUNCTION”. Diagnostic Procedure with Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) & ...