Subaru Crosstrek manuals

Subaru Crosstrek Service Manual: Removal



1. LH


Before handling the airbag system components, refer to “CAUTION” of “General Description” in “AIRBAG SYSTEM”. General Description > CAUTION">

1. Disconnect the ground cable from battery and wait for at least 60 seconds before starting work. NOTE">

2. Remove the cover assembly - instrument panel LWR driver. Instrument Panel Lower Cover > REMOVAL">

3. Remove the knee airbag module. Knee Airbag Module > REMOVAL">

4. Remove the motor - actuator mix.

(1) Disconnect the connector, and remove the rod from the rod clamp.

(2) Remove the screws and detach the motor - actuator mix.

2. RH

1. Disconnect the ground cable from battery and wait for at least 60 seconds before starting work. NOTE">

2. Remove the glove box. Glove Box > REMOVAL">

3. Remove the motor - actuator mix.

(1) Disconnect the connector, and remove the rod from the rod clamp.

(2) Remove the screws and detach the motor - actuator mix.

HVAC SYSTEM (HEATER, VENTILATOR AND A/C) > Air Mix Door ActuatorINSPECTION1. CHECK LINK1. Visually check the operation range of the link, and remove the foreign material if any.2. Operate the tempe ...

HVAC SYSTEM (HEATER, VENTILATOR AND A/C) > Air Mix Door ActuatorINSTALLATIONCAUTION:Before handling the airbag system components, refer to “CAUTION” of “General Description” ...

Other materials:

Pressure switch (triple pressure switch) Inspection
HVAC SYSTEM (HEATER, VENTILATOR AND A/C) > Pressure Switch (Triple Pressure Switch)INSPECTION1. Connect the manifold gauge to the service valve on the high-pressure side.2. Disconnect the connector.3. Start the air conditioner, and check the operating pressure of switch by turning the compressor ...

SECURITY AND LOCKS > Body Integrated UnitNOTE1. REPLACE BODY INTEGRATED UNIT1. Check and record the current setting. Registration Body Integrated Unit > OPERATION">2. Prepare all immobilizer keys already registered. (Models without the keyless access with push button start)3. Replace ...

BRAKE > Rear Disc Brake AssemblyASSEMBLY1. Before installation, check each part. Rear Disc Brake Assembly > INSPECTION">2. Clean the inside of the caliper body cylinder using brake fluid.3. Apply a coat of brake fluid to piston seal and install the piston seal to the caliper body cyli ...

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