Subaru Crosstrek manuals

Subaru Crosstrek Service Manual: Removal

CLUTCH SYSTEM > Clutch Pedal



Before handling the airbag system components, refer to “CAUTION” of “General Description” in “AIRBAG SYSTEM”. General Description > CAUTION">

1. Turn the ignition switch to OFF.

2. Disconnect the ground cable from battery and wait for at least 60 seconds before starting work. NOTE">

3. Remove the steering column. Steering Column > REMOVAL">

4. Disconnect the connector from the stop light switch and clutch switch.

5. Remove the snap pins from clevis pins which secure the lever to the push rod and operating rod.

6. Pull out the clevis pins which secures the lever to the push rod and operating rod.


Operating rod


Push rod


Snap pin


Clevis pin

7. Remove the clip (A) from the air intake boot.

8. Loosen the clamp (B) connecting the air intake boot and air cleaner case (rear).

9. Loosen the clamp (C) which connects the air intake boot and throttle body.

10. Remove the air intake boot from the throttle body, and move it to the left side wheel apron.

11. Remove the nut which secures the clutch master cylinder.


Remove the master cylinder from the stud bolt.

Hold the clutch pipe with a wire or a string to avoid the pipe from bending.

12. Remove the bolts and nuts which secure the brake pedal and clutch pedal, and remove the pedal assembly.

CLUTCH SYSTEM > Clutch PedalADJUSTMENT1. Turn the lock nut until the full stroke of clutch pedal becomes within the specification.CAUTION:When adjusting the full stroke of clutch pedal, do not turn ...

CLUTCH SYSTEM > Clutch PedalASSEMBLY1. Install the stopper and pedal pad to the clutch pedal.2. Install the clutch switch to the pedal bracket.3. Clean the pedal bushing holes of the clutch pedal a ...

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