INSTRUMENTATION/DRIVER INFO > General DescriptionSPECIFICATION1. COMBINATION METER ASSEMBLYNOTE:Specifications of the combination meter vary depending on the market and the grade.• Model with normal meterMeter, displayOperation method, display methodDrive controlWhen checking the indicator ...
Check list for interview Check
POWER ASSISTED SYSTEM (POWER STEERING) (DIAGNOSTICS) > Check List for InterviewCHECKCheck the following items regarding condition of the vehicle.1. TROUBLE STATUSPhenomenon of the vehicle Steering is heavy Steering is not smooth Steering is unstable (wondering) Steering does not return to center ...
MANUAL TRANSMISSION AND DIFFERENTIAL(5MT) > Reverse Idler GearINSPECTION1. Move the reverse shifter rod toward the reverse side. Check the clearance between the reverse idler gear and the transmission case wall surface.If the value is out of specification, select the appropriate reverse shifter l ...