While all doors (including the rear gate) are locked, you can unlock the doors (including the rear gate) without a key by pressing the rear lock button.
PIN Code Access will be helpful if the key is accidentally left in the vehicle. It is recommended that a 5-digit security code (PIN code) is registered.
Drive cycle Procedure
CONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE TRANSMISSION (DIAGNOSTICS) > Drive CyclePROCEDUREIt is possible to complete diagnosis of the DTC by performing the indicated drive cycle. After the repair for the DTC, perform a necessary drive cycle and make sure the function recovers and the DTC is recorded.1. PREPARATION ...
FUEL INJECTION (FUEL SYSTEMS)(H4DO) > General DescriptionCAUTION• Prior to starting work, pay special attention to the following:1. Always wear work clothes, a work cap, and protective shoes. Additionally, wear a helmet, protective goggles, etc. if necessary.2. Protect the vehicle using a s ...
DRIVE SHAFT SYSTEM > Rear Drive ShaftINSTALLATION1. Replace the rear differential side oil seal. Rear Differential Side Oil Seal > REPLACEMENT">NOTE:After pulling out the drive shaft assembly, be sure to replace with a new oil seal.2. Insert the drive shaft assembly into the rear hub ...