Subaru Crosstrek manuals

Subaru Crosstrek Service Manual: Inspection

ENTERTAINMENT > Rearview Camera System


1. Park the vehicle at the level place where there are enough area at the rear of the vehicle.

2. Attach the tape as the target point for standard at the floor rearward of the vehicle as shown in the figure below.


Standard tape width is about 30 — 50 mm (1.18 — 1.97 in) and brilliant color shall be used.


Vehicle body center line


Rear edge of bumper


Target point

3. Confirm the following before checking the corresponding items.

(1) Rearview camera image is not displayed. (Audio and navigation screens are displayed normally.)

(1) Check the condition of back sensor connection.

Audio system: Audio System > OPERATION">

Navigation system: Navigation System > OPERATION">

(2) Check the condition of rearview camera connection.

Audio system: Audio System > OPERATION">

Navigation system: Navigation System > OPERATION">

(2) Marker position is not aligned or displayed.

The rearview camera or its installation location on the vehicle may be deformed. Check the rearview camera and its installation location on the vehicle, and repair or replace if necessary.

Rearview camera system

Wiring diagram
ENTERTAINMENT > Rearview Camera SystemWIRING DIAGRAMRefer to “Rearview Camera System” in the wiring diagram.– 6.2 inch display: Rearview Camera System > WIRING DIAGRAM">â ...

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