Ashtray (dealer option)
Observe the following precautions.
Not doing so could result in a fire.
Always extinguish matches and
cigarettes before putting them
into the ashtray, and then close
the ashtray securely.
Do not put flammable material in
the ashtray
Do not leave a lighted cigarette in
t ...
Dtc u0428 invalid data received from steering angle sensor module
LAN SYSTEM (DIAGNOSTICS) > Diagnostic Procedure with Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)DTC U0428 INVALID DATA RECEIVED FROM STEERING ANGLE SENSOR MODULEDTC DETECTING CONDITION:Defective data was transmitted from steering angle sensor.TROUBLE SYMPTOM:VDC CM does not operate normally.STEPCHECKYESNO1.CHE ...
Dtc c2543 error passive
POWER ASSISTED SYSTEM (POWER STEERING) (DIAGNOSTICS) > Diagnostic Procedure with Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)DTC C2543 ERROR PASSIVETrouble symptom:The steering wheel operation feels heavy.STEPCHECKYESNO1.CHECK LAN SYSTEM.Perform the diagnosis for LAN system using the Subaru Select Monitor. Bas ...