Subaru Crosstrek manuals

Subaru Crosstrek Service Manual: Control module i/o signal Electrical specification

Subaru Crosstrek Service Manual / Body control system (diagnostics) / Control module i/o signal Electrical specification




Terminal No.

Signal (V or ?)


Ignition switch ON

(Engine OFF)

Ignition power supply (rear wiper)

A5 ←> Chassis ground

Less than 1.5 V > 10 — 13 V

Ignition switch OFF > ON

Battery power supply (shift lock/key lock)

B6 ←> Chassis ground

10 — 13 V


Battery power supply (door lock)

D1 ←> Chassis ground

10 — 13 V


Battery power supply (control)

C6 ←> Chassis ground

10 — 13 V



A1 ←> Chassis ground

Less than 1.5 V


C1 ←> Chassis ground

Battery power supply (back-up)

B7 ←> Chassis ground

10 — 13 V


Ignition power supply

B3 ←> Chassis ground

Less than 1.5 V > 10 — 13 V

Ignition switch OFF > ON

ACC power supply

A32 ←> Chassis ground

Less than 1.5 V > 10 — 13 V

Ignition switch OFF > Accessory ON

Key-in switch

A4 ←> Chassis ground

Less than 1.5 V > 10 — 13 V

Key is inserted (model without the keyless access with push button start system)

ACC input

A4 ←> Chassis ground

Less than 1.5 V > 10 — 13 V

ACC ON (model with the keyless access with push button start system)

P range SW

B18 ←> Chassis ground

Less than 1.5 V > 8 V or more

P range to other than P range

Stop light SW

A10 ←> Chassis ground

Less than 1.5 V > 8 V or more

Stop light switch OFF > ON

Door SW (driver’s)

C14 ←> Chassis ground

8 V or more > less than 1.5 V

Front right door closed > open

Door SW (passenger’s)

C13 ←> Chassis ground

8 V or more > less than 1.5 V

Front left door closed > open

Door SW (rear right)

C25 ←> Chassis ground

8 V or more > less than 1.5 V

Rear right door closed > open

Door SW (rear left)

C24 ←> Chassis ground

8 V or more > less than 1.5 V

Rear left door closed > open

Rear gate SW/trunk SW

C33 ←> Chassis ground

8 V or more > less than 1.5 V

Rear gate/trunk closed > open

Opener SW (trunk/rear gate)

C10 ←> Chassis ground

8 V or more > less than 1.5 V

Rear gate/trunk opener switch ON

Manual switch (LOCK)

C9 ←> Chassis ground

8 V or more > less than 1.5 V

Door lock switch ON

Manual switch (UNLOCK)

C20 ←> Chassis ground

8 V or more > less than 1.5 V

Door unlock switch ON

Lighting AUTO

B16 ←> Chassis ground

8 V or more > less than 1.5 V

Switch at AUTO position

Lighting II

A34 ←> Chassis ground

8 V or more > less than 1.5 V

Switch at II position

B34 ←> Chassis ground

Lighting I

B17 ←> Chassis ground

8 V or more > less than 1.5 V

Switch at I position

Dimmer passing

B25 ←> Chassis ground

8 V or more > less than 1.5 V

Switch at passing position

Dimmer Hi beam

B15 ←> Chassis ground

8 V or more > less than 1.5 V

Switch at Hi beam position

Front fog light SW

B26 ←> Chassis ground

8 V or more > less than 1.5 V

Front fog light switch ON

Illumination sensor power supply

B1 ←> A29

Less than 1.5 V > 4.5 V or more

Ignition switch OFF > ON

Illumination sensor signal


0.2 — 4.5 V

Ignition switch OFF > ON

Ground (illumination sensor)

A29 ←> Chassis ground

Less than 1.5 V


Rear wiper SW ON

A12 ←> Chassis ground

8 V or more > less than 1.5 V

Switch at ON position

Rear wiper SW INT

A22 ←> Chassis ground

8 V or more > less than 1.5 V

Switch at INT position

Rear washer SW

A30 ←> Chassis ground

8 V or more > less than 1.5 V

Switch at ON position

Illumination SW (Vi1)

D12 ←> Chassis ground

Approx. 5 V

While clearance light illuminates

Illumination SW (Vi2)

D22 ←> Chassis ground

0.5 — 4.8 V

Illumination SW (Vi3)

D28 ←> Chassis ground

Less than 1.5 V


Bright SW

C21 ←> Chassis ground

8 V or more > less than 1.5 V

Switch at ON position

Reverse SW (MT)

B12 ←> Chassis ground

Less than 1.5 V > 8 V or more

Reverse SW ON

Impact sensor

A11 ←> Chassis ground

8 V or more

Apply an impact

Hi-speed CAN communication circuit 1 (Hi)


Serial communication

Except for sleep status*1

Hi-speed CAN communication circuit 1 (Lo)


Hi-speed CAN communication circuit 2 (Hi)


Serial communication

Except for sleep status*1

Hi-speed CAN communication circuit 2 (Lo)


Immobilizer antenna (B)


Serial communication

Communication with ignition key in progress

(Without keyless access with push button start system)

Immobilizer antenna (A)


Immobilizer antenna amplifier GND

B30 ←> Chassis ground

Less than 1.5 V


(Without keyless access with push button start system)

Immobilizer antenna amplifier power supply

B2 ←> B30

4.5 — 5.5 V

Communication with ignition key in progress

(Without keyless access with push button start system)

Security UART


Serial communication


(Without keyless access with push button start system)

Front wiper return

A2 ←> Chassis ground

8 V

When front wiper is operated

Door UNLOCK (driver’s seat) output

D4 ←> Chassis ground

Less than 0.5 V > 8 V or more

When driver’s side door unlock is output

Keyless entry / TPMS communication circuit


Serial communication

When door lock/unlock is operated with the keyless transmitter, or when TPMS is operated

Rear defogger switch

C18 ←> Chassis ground

Less than 1.5 V > 8 V or more

When the rear defogger switch is ON

Parking brake switch

C32 ←> Chassis ground

8 V or more > less than 1.5 V

When parking brake is ON

Shift lock solenoid

B5 ←> Chassis ground

Less than 1.5 V > 8 V or more

When shift lock is operating (AT models)

Key lock solenoid

B4 ←> Chassis ground

Less than 1.5 V > 8 V or more

LOCK status is ON (AT model without the keyless access with push button start system)

Rear wiper ON output

A7 ←> Chassis ground

Less than 0.5 V > 8 V or more

Rear wiper operation in progress

Rear wiper return

A6 ←> Chassis ground

Less than 0.5 V > 8 V or more

Rear wiper operation in progress

Door LOCK output

D2 ←> Chassis ground

Less than 0.5 V > 8 V or more

When LOCK signal is output

Door UNLOCK output

D3 ←> Chassis ground

Less than 0.5 V > 8 V or more

When UNLOCK signal is output

Rear gate/trunk UNLOCK output

D7 ←> Chassis ground

Less than 0.5 V > 8 V or more

When UNLOCK signal is output

Lighting relay power supply

A3 ←> Chassis ground

10 — 13 V

ACC or key-in SW ON

B19 ←> Chassis ground

10 — 13 V

ACC or key-in SW ON

Lighting relay Hi output

A17 ←> Chassis ground

8 V or more > less than 1.0 V

Dimmer SW at Hi position

Lighting relay Lo output

B35 ←> Chassis ground

8 V or more > less than 1.0 V

Lighting II SW at ON position

Lighting Lo relay output 2

A27 ←> Chassis ground

8 V or more > less than 1.0 V

Lighting II SW at ON position

Lighting relay I output

A16 ←> Chassis ground

8 V or more > less than 1.0 V

Lighting I SW at ON position

Front fog light output

A15 ←> Chassis ground

8 V or more > less than 1.0 V

Front fog light SW at ON position

DRL cancel output

D10 ←> Chassis ground

8 V or more > less than 1.0 V

Headlight switch ON or Hi beam ON, passing switch ON

Illumination output


Pulse output

Illumination ON


Pulse output

Illumination ON

Key ring illumination


Pulse output

Illumination ON

(Without keyless access with push button start system)

Room light output


Pulse output

Room light ON (doors interlocked)

Map light output


Pulse output

Map light ON (keyless answer-back, etc.)

Luggage/trunk light output


Pulse output

Luggage/trunk at open state

Rear defogger relay output

A26 ←> Chassis ground

8 V or more > less than 1.0 V

Rear defogger SW ON

Wiper deicer relay output

D9 ←> Chassis ground

8 V or more > less than 1.0 V

Wiper deicer SW ON

Turn/hazard output

D18 ←> Chassis ground

8 V or more > less than 1.0 V

When answer-back is output

Security horn output

A24 ←> Chassis ground

8 V or more > less than 1.0 V

When security is operating

Security light


Pulse control

When security light is illuminating

Answer-back buzzer output

A20 ←> Chassis ground

8 V or more > less than 1.0 V

When answer-back operates

Immobilizer communication


Serial communication

(Models without the keyless access with push button start system)

Turn signal RH

B9 ←> Chassis ground

8 V or more > less than 1.5 V

When turn signal switch RH is ON

Drive mode SW (Eco/X mode)

B14 ←> Chassis ground

8 V or more > less than 1.5 V

Mode SW is turned OFF > ON

Turn signal LH

B21 ←> Chassis ground

8 V or more > less than 1.5 V

When turn signal switch LH is ON

Accessory connector

B29 ←> Chassis ground

8 V or more > less than 1.5 V

Rear gate/trunk closed > open

Door lock status SW (Driver’s)

C12 ←> Chassis ground

8 V or more > less than 1.5 V

Driver’s door inner remote lock > unlock

Door lock status SW (Passenger’s)

C23 ←> Chassis ground

8 V or more > less than 1.5 V

Passenger’s door inner remote lock > unlock

SRF OFF SW input

D14 ←> Chassis ground

8 V or more > less than 1.5 V

When SRF OFF SW is pressed

LIN communication line


Serial communication

Except for sleep status*1

SRF relay output (R)

D20 ←> Chassis ground

Less than 1.5 V > 8 V or more

When SRF RH FOG is operating

SRF relay output (L)

D21 ←> Chassis ground

Less than 1.5 V > 8 V or more

When SRF LH FOG is operating

*1: For CAN sleep state, hold on for approx. one minute with ignition OFF and the doors, trunk, and rear gate all closed.

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