Use a soft, damp cloth to clean the climate control panel, audio equipment, instrument panel, center console, combination meter panel, and switches. (Do not use organic solvents.)
SEAT BELT SYSTEM > Front Seat BeltREMOVAL1. SEAT BELT OUTER - FRONTCAUTION:• Before handling the airbag system components, refer to “CAUTION” of “General Description” in “AIRBAG SYSTEM”. General Description > CAUTION">• Airbag system sat ...
TELEMATICS SYSTEM (DIAGNOSTICS) > Diagnostics with PhenomenonLISTNo.SymptomsReference1The system does not notify the Telematics Service Provider Center automatically after collision. Diagnostics with Phenomenon > INSPECTION">2The system does not notify the center even if the SOS button ...
LIGHTING SYSTEM > Day Time Running ResistorINSPECTION1. Measure the resistance between connector terminals.Preparation tool:Circuit testerTerminal No.Inspection conditionsSpecificationConnection diagram1 — 2Always1.13±0.05 ?2. Replace the resistor assembly - daytime running light if the inspec ...