Subaru Crosstrek manuals

Subaru Crosstrek Owners Manual: Synthetic leather upholstery

The synthetic leather material used on the SUBARU may be cleaned using mild soap or detergent and water, after first vacuuming or brushing away loose dirt. Allow the soap to soak in for a few minutes and wipe off with a clean, damp cloth. Commercial foam-type cleaners suitable for synthetic leather materials may be used when necessary.


Strong cleaning agents such as solvents, paint thinners, window cleaner or fuel must never be used on leather or synthetic interior materials.

Doing so could damage the surface and cause the color to deteriorate.

Leather seat materials
The leather used by SUBARU is a high quality natural product which will retain its distinctive appearance and feel for many years with proper care. Allowing dust or road dirt to build up on the ...

Climate control panel, audio panel, instrument panel, console panel, and switches
Use a soft, damp cloth to clean the climate control panel, audio equipment, instrument panel, center console, combination meter panel, and switches. CAUTION Do not use organic solvents such ...

Other materials:

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