Dtc u0424 invalid data received from hvac control module
CONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE TRANSMISSION (DIAGNOSTICS) > Diagnostic Procedure with Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)DTC U0424 INVALID DATA RECEIVED FROM HVAC CONTROL MODULENOTE:Refer to “LAN SYSTEM (DIAGNOSTICS)” for diagnostic procedure. Basic Diagnostic Procedure">1. OUTLINE OF DIAGN ...
Dtc b2274 acc relay control circuit
KEYLESS ACCESS WITH PUSH BUTTON START SYSTEM (DIAGNOSTICS) > Diagnostic Procedure with Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)DTC B2274 ACC RELAY CONTROL CIRCUITDTC detecting condition:When malfunction is detected in ACC relay drive circuit in the keyless access CM or external circuit.Trouble symptom:Each ...
Tire chains
Tire chains cannot be used on your
vehicle because of the lack of
clearance between the tires and
vehicle body.
When tire chains cannot be used, use
of another type of traction device (such
as spring chains) may be acceptable if
use on your vehicle is recommended
by the device ...