Direct splicing or other improper connection of trailer lights may damage your vehicle's electrical system and cause a malfunction of your vehicle's lighting system.
Connection of trailer lights to your vehicle's electrical system requires modifications to the vehicle's lighting circuit to increase its capacity and accommodate wiring changes. To ensure the trailer lights are connected properly, please consult your SUBARU dealer. Check for proper operation of the turn signals and the brake lights each time you connect a trailer to your vehicle.
Fuel injector circuit
ENGINE (DIAGNOSTICS)(H4DO) > Diagnostics for Engine Starting FailureFUEL INJECTOR CIRCUITCAUTION:• Check or repair only faulty parts.• After servicing or replacing faulty parts, perform Clear Memory Mode Clear Memory Mode > OPERATION">, and Inspection Mode Inspection Mode ...
Dtc p0458 evap system (cpc) purge control valve "a" circuit low
ENGINE (DIAGNOSTICS)(H4DO) > Diagnostic Procedure with Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)DTC P0458 EVAP SYSTEM (CPC) PURGE CONTROL VALVE "A" CIRCUIT LOWDTC detecting condition:Detected when two consecutive driving cycles with fault occur.Trouble symptom:Improper idlingCAUTION:After servicing ...
Clear memory mode Operation
OCCUPANT DETECTION SYSTEM (DIAGNOSTICS) > Clear Memory ModeOPERATIONAfter repairing the occupant detection system, clear the DTCs stored in the airbag control module and the occupant detection control module.1. AIRBAG SYSTEM1. On «Start» display, select «Diagnosis».2. On «Vehicle selection» ...