CLUTCH SYSTEM > Operating Cylinder
1. Check that the operating cylinder is not damaged. Replace the operating cylinder if it is damaged.
2. Check the brake fluid leakage on the operating cylinder or the boot for damage. Replace the operating cylinder if brake fluid leaks or boot damages are noted.
Dtc b161a lost communication with front satellite sensor bus
AIRBAG SYSTEM (DIAGNOSTICS) > Diagnostic Chart with Trouble CodeDTC B161A LOST COMMUNICATION WITH FRONT SATELLITE SENSOR BUSDiagnosis start condition:Ignition voltage is 10 V to 16 V.DTC detecting condition:• Harness between airbag control module and front sub sensor is open or shorted.&bul ...
Check list for interview Check
OCCUPANT DETECTION SYSTEM (DIAGNOSTICS) > Check List for InterviewCHECK1. CONDITIONS OF MALFUNCTIONCustomer’s Name Inspector’s Name Date Vehicle Brought in/ /Registration No. Odometer readingkmmilesV.I.N. Date Problem Occurred/ /Registration Year/ /Occ ...
EXTERIOR/INTERIOR TRIM > Side GarnishREMOVAL1. Remove the clips and detach the side garnish assembly.(1)Garnish ASSY - fender(2)Garnish ASSY - rear quarter(3)Garnish ASSY - side sill2. Remove the garnish assembly or protector on the fender panel.CAUTION:Do not reuse the garnish assembly and prote ...