Blind Spot Detection/Rear Cross Traffic Alert (DIAGNOSTICS) > Control Module I/O Signal
Refer to “BSD/RCTA System” in the wiring diagram. Blind Spot Detection/Rear Cross Traffic Alert > WIRING DIAGRAM">
SECURITY AND LOCKS > Impact SensorREMOVAL1. Pull out the key from the ignition switch, or turn off the power.2. Close all the doors and rear gate.3. Press the UNLOCK button of the keyless transmitter or access key.4. Disconnect the ground cable from battery. NOTE">5. Remove the impact se ...
CONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE TRANSMISSION(TR580) > Drive PlateINSTALLATION1. Temporarily install the drive plate and reinforcement drive plate.NOTE:Align the knock pin hole of the crankshaft position sensor plate to the knock pin of the crankshaft to secure the knock pin.2. Set the ST.ST 498497300CRA ...
Precautions when working with the parts mounted on the vehicle
WIRING SYSTEM > Working PrecautionsPRECAUTIONS WHEN WORKING WITH THE PARTS MOUNTED ON THE VEHICLE1. When working under a vehicle which is jacked-up, always be sure to use rigid rack.2. The parking brake must always be applied during working. Also, in automatic transmission vehicles, keep the sele ...