For safety and security reasons, the remote engine start system will prevent starting (or stop the engine if running) and sound the horn twice if any of the following conditions is detected. In addition, the fob will flash and beep 3 times.
If the system detects any door (including the rear gate) open during operation, it will prevent starting or stop the engine, and sound the horn and flash side marker lights, tail lights, and parking lights 6 times.
In addition to the items above, if the vehicle's engine management system determines there is a safety risk due to a vehicle-related problem, the vehicle will power down and the horn will sound 3 times.
Remote start operation - fob confirmation
Your remote engine starter fob is a bidirectional transceiver that can confirm system operation with several different visual and audible indications. The fob's LED-backlit button and internal piezo buzzer will indicate status of the system using the following flash and beep sequences, provided the fob is within operational range of the system.
Dtc p0717 input/turbine shaft speed sensor "a" circuit no signal
CONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE TRANSMISSION (DIAGNOSTICS) > Diagnostic Procedure with Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)DTC P0717 INPUT/TURBINE SHAFT SPEED SENSOR "A" CIRCUIT NO SIGNALDTC detecting condition:Immediately at fault recognitionTrouble symptom:• Standing start problems• Shock ...
Basic diagnostic procedure Procedure
LAN SYSTEM (DIAGNOSTICS) > Basic Diagnostic ProcedurePROCEDURECAUTION:• Subaru Select Monitor is required for reading DTC, performing diagnosis, reading current data, customizing and active test (compulsory drive).• Remove foreign matter (dust, water, oil, etc.) from each control modu ...
SECURITY AND LOCKS > Push Button Start SystemINSPECTION1. POWER SUPPLY SWITCH FUNCTION INSPECTION1. Check push button ignition switch function(1) Check the change control through push button ignition switch, brake pedal operation, and shift position.Shift lever positionBrake pedal operationPush b ...