COMMUNICATION SYSTEM > General Description
• Before disconnecting connectors of sensors or units, be sure to disconnect the ground cable from battery.
• When replacing the audio and MFD parts provided with memory functions, record the memory contents before disconnecting the battery ground cable.
• Be careful of the following items. Failing to do so may cause the airbag system malfunction.
– Yellow connectors and harnesses with yellow tapes around them are the connectors and harnesses for the airbag system. When using a tester on these circuits, follow the cautions of “AIRBAG SYSTEM”. General Description > CAUTION">
– Be careful not to damage the airbag system wiring harness when servicing the electrical parts around the steering column.
• When removing, installing or replacing the VDCCM&H/U, VDCCM&H/U bracket, steering wheel or steering angle sensor (steering roll connector), perform “VSC(VDC) Centering Mode” of the VDC. VDC Control Module and Hydraulic Control Unit (VDCCM&H/U) > ADJUSTMENT">
Safety precautions
Never attempt to remove the radiator
cap until the engine has been
shut off and has cooled down
completely. Since the coolant is
under pressure, you may suffer
serious burns from a spray of boiling
hot coolant when the cap is
Vehicles are filled at the factory
FRONT SUSPENSION > Front StrutDISASSEMBLY1. Using a coil spring compressor, compress the coil spring - front.2. Using a hexagon wrench to prevent strut rod from turning, remove the self-locking nut with ST.CAUTION:When installing the coil spring compressor to the coil spring, follow the operation ...
Dtc p1496 coil 3 egr "a" control circuit low
ENGINE (DIAGNOSTICS)(H4DO) > Diagnostic Procedure with Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)DTC P1496 COIL 3 EGR "A" CONTROL CIRCUIT LOWNOTE:For the diagnostic procedure, refer to DTC P1498. Diagnostic Procedure with Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) > DTC P1498 COIL 4 EGR "A" CONTROL ...